Tag Archives: wordpress


Blogging Secret No One Talks About

With our Keyword Challenge and technical writing focus at Club-Content, and the more demanding nature of producing those kinds of blog posts, I wanted to address


A Blogging Secret No One Talks About…


blogging tipsHaving fun!


Lately, my focus on blogging tips has been rather serious. We have new updates, new challenges and a new paradigm of SEO upon us.


This can all be a bit overwhelming, I know.


You still have to choose fun in blogging, or you might go crazy. The best blogging tips I can give are that it just needs to feel good and satisfying, right?


More Blogging Tips:


Another way of choosing fun while blogging is to incorporate the serious tips and stuff slowly.


You don’t have to break out an epic post all of the time, and you don’t have to address your checklists and strategies every day. You need to break that up with some entertainment, and who’s to say that the fun stuff can’t bring you some reading and search engine traffic anyway!


Blogging Tips: Do Some Pop Culture


One of our Club-Content members recently added a “Dallas TV Series Re-cap” weekly theme on her blog, and this kind of thing is perfect for blogging and reading.  She has a blast writing it, readers have a blast reading it, and if someone does a search for “Dallas TV Series”, they just may find her blog. 


blogging tipsDon’t underestimate the importance of sheer entertainment for blog reading and writers.


Sheer entertainment is the entire impetus for our Battle of The Leading Men. Yes, “Romantic Getaway” is a searched keyword phrase, but the Battles every week are purely for enjoyment for us and writing
and reading. 


Blogging Tips: Don’t Make it a Chore


You have to have that, or you might go crazy and quit blogging. If blogging starts to feel too much like a chore, then you probably will.  The length of time you blog can determine a lot of your reputation.


Blogging Tips: You gotta keep at it.  


Posting often to feed those Google spiders is demanding, so incorporate some joy to give you  balance, and to keep the movement flowing. When you enjoy it, your readers will know it.


I get a lot of comments from other bloggers about not knowing where to take their blogs, and not seeing a path.  This will come over time.  You will find your voice and style, and what people like reading will show you a path if you pay attention…


Blogging Tips: Find Your Voice Over Time 


The secret to getting there is being around, and if you’re having fun blogging, you will last.



blogging tipsThe Having Fun Blogging Secret That No One Talks About Leads to Quality Blogging…

What is Quality Blogging?


There’s no getting around it: You can’t just slap any old post on your blog, and expect to turn into a superstar overnight.  You really do need quality blogging.  Without it, all the techniques in the world won’t result in reading and followers, which is what traffic is ultimately all about.


Blogging Tips: Forget the Techniques & Truisms


Forget the importance of writing your own, unique, original posts.  Forget all of those tips, techniques and truisms.


blogging tipsTechniques aren’t what will instill heart into a blog post.  To produce top quality blogging, you only have to have three indispensable elements:



Blogging Tips: 3 Indispensable Elements 


  1. Passion: You need to get swept away by your subject and spend 24 hours a day eating, sleeping and breathing it.  In fact, writing about your subject or talking about it should be as natural as breathing, and as irresistible as french fries!
  2. Conversation: You need to be chatting with your readers:  Not preaching to them.  It should be a dialogue.
  3. Relevance:  this all interconnects with passion and conversation.  If you have the first two elements covered, your relevance will flow just as easily.  You want to be on top of what your target niche group is currently talking and thinking about, in order to get people reading and get followed. 


blogging tipsBetter yet, be one step ahead of what they’re going to be focusing on in the next few weeks, before they know it themselves.  You do this by keeping a diligent eye on your industry, following quality feeds and tips and authority sources.


You don’t need to write about the “new stuff”, you just have to be aware of it so you can produce the hottest material when the latest news, trend, method, etc., goes public.


Blogging Tips: Make Yourself the Go-To

Once you’ve got these three elements in play on your blog, you’re well on your way to providing quality blogging.


And the rewards are enormous.  Take the time to make yourself the top “go to” person in your niche by caring, and you’ll reap:


  • Devoted readers
  • Reader trust
  • Google authority status
  • Social media authority status
  • Opportunities for quality joint ventures
  • And that’s just to start with.  You’ll also see things you didn’t expect happen, such as being approached by major companies and offered large sums to display their ads…or having so many offers you need to hire a Virtual Assistant to weed them out.  You’ll be inundated with requests for interviews or to write guest posts.
  • You’ll be able to pick and choose:
  • The best ad offers
  • The best interview requests
  • The most targeted blogs to guest on


When you get to this stage, your traffic and reading will blossom exponentially and rapidly.

blogging tips


This is our goal at Club-Contentquality blog content, and making the most out of our blogging experience.  We are carving our niches, learning from writing exercises like keyword challenges and current events, and improving our businesses and blogs! You can be a part of it too…


blogging tipsBlogging Secret No One Talks About…Don’t Forget to Have Fun for Your Best Blogging!