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Mompreneurs vs. Google Penguin Panda Robots

For us Mompreneurs, the robots are in full swing.


Yes, if you are a Mompreneur in particular, you have to know what these robots are doing, but for all who are bloggers or have a blog, not paying attention can get you in trouble.


These robots called Google Penguin & Panda algorithms affect Mompreneurs, bloggers and businesses on the web, and trying to figure out what you should do for your blog or business can get a blogger spinning in circles. But there is a way to look at these “things” crawling your blog all the time to understand the bigger picture.


mompreneursThis robot vs. Blogger-Mompreneur relationship needs your attention, as well as recognizing the ultimate conflict between robot vs. human.


Mompreneurs vs. Robots Explained…


First, if you read my tips for Mompreneurs, I do focus on Google search and using keywords, but I have always maintained that the human reader, and you the human writer are the most important when it comes to building business relationships and Blogger success.


For Mompreneurs,you must be aware of SEO, strategies and ways to write and build content to help you always, because those human customers, readers and searchers online create the existence and purpose of the Internet.


Ironically, Google’s job is for the human, and in their quest to give you the ultimate results in your online search, they developed these robots to help them with this task.


mompreneursMompreneurs Meet Penguin and Panda


These new algorithms were designed to improve what you find, serve up the highest quality, and punish the spammers and cheaters.  


But, in the use of crawling robots over the words of a site, the inevitable separation of human reality and robot performance become very clear.


There is an inherent conflict between how Mompreneurs live in the real world and the world and job of the penguin panda robot.


In summary, to satisfy a robot, it’s my opinion that you must be a publishing robot machine yourself, producing lengthy expertise daily on a variety of topics even though we know it’s better to be relevant and not random.


Take this criteria for example of what Google is trying to find with their crawling machines as low quality content from their own Webmaster Central Blog. They ask this question…


“Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?”


mompreneursWhat Mompreneur-Blogger doesn’t fall into this category, I ask?


This goes against everything we Mompreneurs talk about in starting and maintaining a blog or business blog with a niche and very relevant and specific topics that you know and love to write about, and can continually write about to provide consistency and satisfaction to your readers, right?!


Mompreneurs may not be duplicating or copying material, but your word choices are certainly going to be overlapping with similar topics and slightly different keyword variations.  If you’re not doing this, how does your reader or customer know you? How do you connect your Mompreneur ideas, and what would inspire the reader to return if you are all over the map? 


Even more ironically, to get through to people, you need to repeat yourself over and over as Mompreneurs.  This has been known and proven for decades.  Why do you know that TV commercial jingle?  You’ve heard it dozens of times.  It then sticks.


Here’s another concerning question from Google’s Blog…


“Are the articles short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics?”



-Are these not typical Blog Hops, Pinterest Pins Product Features and Wordless Wednesday posts, I ask as a Mompreneur and Blogger?


-Does a lengthy, wordy post keep your attention, and hold your eyes easily to the computer screen?


-Are recipes, giveaways or reviews short and unsubstantial?


It seems much of what you get from a blog or Blogger may not exactly jive with the new algorithms.


If only these robots were really cute Pandas…


So, what do we Bloggers and Mompreneurs do?


mompreneursWe pay attention of course, apply changes where we can, and continue to press forward with improvement and quality blogging.


We make our blogging more substantial and informative in every way possible, and never forget about our readers, organization and presentation.


We Mompreneurs stay natural and authentic.


This especially holds true for heavy usage of exact match anchor text to your Blogger internal pages.  Penguin robots are looking for unnatural links not just on your home page, but on deeper pages. The “money keywords” or paid links for exact match anchor text are big red flags to Penguin.  


mompreneursWe’ll cover more on just Penguin in the future, but Penguin essentially targets paid text links using exact match anchor text, comment spam, guest posts on questionable sites, article marketing sites and links from dangerous sites.



Back to more of what we Mompreneurs do…


-We continue to develop style and voice and relevance with any type of Blogger blog post.


-We keep in mind we can’t always satisfy an ever-changing and rather confusing crawling thing, but can always control and improve upon our human connections.


-We hold to the reality of being human Mompreneurs with only 24 hours in the day, and not a blog post producing machine.


google penguin pandaDo we Mompreneurs abandon the typical blog posts that might fall under the “unsubstantial” category?  


They don’t have to be abandoned, but spruced up. Especially if these blog posts serve a purpose to connect and build networks of relationships that help you as Mompreneurs in your business, or help you the Blogger grow your audience too.



This is how I as a Mompreneur see the big picture:


Ultimately, content is king, and Google will continually tweak things to get to the best material out there.  Even if the robot is flawed, the Google’s goal is to provide the best search possible to all of the people searching.  


Your best Mompreneur-Blogger bet is to strive towards better quality in your writing. Always go through what you have, and make it better, more engaging, more entertaining, and with more purpose.


You have control over what you write. You have control over your edits.  This is a staple that will never change, and you and Google are really working towards the same goal…


mompreneursSatisfying people.


In the end, I will continue to learn about what we can do to keep everyone happy…humans and crawling robots to share with you to learn and improve, and although this confusion and conflict exists, what would life be without confusion and conflicts, right?

Now On to More Mompreneur-Blogger vs. Robot Tips…


One of the things Panda is looking for while crawling over your Mompreneur-Blogger site and posts is substantial content.



What is substantial content?


1.  Substantial content is not short, and typically 300-500 words or more. Although for better rankings, you want to have 800 or more words.


2.  Substantial content is not lacking in helpful specifics.


There are a lot of typical Blogger posts that fall into unsubstantial territory.


mompreneursFor example:


*Wordless Wednesday 
*Pinterest Pins
*Family Photos
*Blog Hops


So, what can Mompreneurs and Bloggers do to make all of these more substantial to satisfy Panda?


1. Always check your word count, and consider making Wordless Wednesday posts with words and adding interesting and relevant text for Pinterest Pins.


2. Add a personal story. What do you think?  Do you have personal experience on the topic?  Include your thoughts.


3. Do research. Look up information on the product, recipe ingredient, photography techniques or history of any subject as examples.  Take any item in your presentation, and go find out more information on it.  Absorb it, and write from what you’ve learned. 


4.  Vary your titles. If you do a theme every week, try to change or alter your title and introduction.  Keep everything in tact for your readers, who expect to see that weekly post, but try to change your wording and presentation for the crawlers.


*This tip addresses the duplication issue more than the substantial content issue, but by not duplicating content, you are being more substantial.  They do go hand in hand, and you need to be aware of both.  



5.  Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?…Answer these questions every time you write, and you’re sure to fill in with more specifics and data.


6.  Add an interview or feature of a fellow Mompreneur or Blogger, or even add a mock interview if the subject of your material is unavailable, like a celebrity or person in the news.


You might be thinking that you are just going to ignore all of this, but these new standards are really just raising the bar for all Mompreneurs, Bloggers and writers. 


mompreneursIs this such a bad thing?


If you have a blog and want readers to come, shouldn’t you be offering your best, and not wasting anyone’s time? If you embrace these new standards, you might find that you will become a better Blogger in the process, and that all of your efforts might prove quite satisfying on a personal level.  



After all, why do you blog or have a business as Mompreneurs?


Even if you don’t have specific goals you’re trying to achieve in blogging, you still blog for your own creativity, retreat, entertainment and satisfaction. Why wouldn’t you hold to a more substantial way of writing and presenting?


In the end, your Blogger and Mompreneur personal satisfaction and those crawling things are not so far removed.


google penguin pandaP.S. You can stay up to date on all of this, plus get gifts every month by signing up to our monthly newsletter. Go get your gifts today!

That’s right, we create and give out Mom Gifts just for our subscribers every month! 
