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Work Moms Got to Get it Right

Work Moms Can’t Dilly Dally, They Got to Get it Right!


Work Moms who choose to blog as an essential tool to help them with their businesses have to make each content post count, because time is even more precious for them than others.


How do Work Moms do everything for family and home, and run a business?  


work momsUh…they bust their tushies to say it plainly.


For Work Moms, and in effect previously, now, and moving forward, public site content will be changed with the new Google updates targeting link schemes, and when you write a blog post, you should–


work momsAsk yourselves 3 things…


1: Am I a Work Mom providing information that someone wants to find?


2: Am I a Work Mom providing value through entertainment?


3: Would I a Work Mom read my own blog?


There needs to be a reason why someone would read your post, and you have to think of it like it is a piece of you or your best Mom hospitality you can muster.


The difference now with the updates is that it needs to be all quality content, all you as Mom, and not undisclosed or un-tagged outbound links selling anything.


work momsEvery post should count, every post should have purpose, and every piece of content should help your reader answer a question, offer something new, make someone laugh, make someone cry, and most of all not be a waste of anyone’s time.


How do you know you are providing information someone wants to find?  You checked which keywords people search.  Then you found ones that relate to you and your blog theme and topics.  You then wrote content based on what all of those searchers wanted to find.


Not all of your content needs to be expert advice or investigative journalism, but your goal is to have your readers think to themselves that they enjoyed their visit, and you made an impression in some way.  If you step away from your Mom blog, and put yourself in your reader’s shoes, could you answer to yourself, “I read that blog post because_________”. 


It’s a bit like having guests in your home.  You know that state of mind you get when guests are coming?  You go the extra mile to make things extra clean and tidy.  You buy some flowers, and put them in a pretty vase you usually tuck away in the closet. You think about wanting them to feel comfortable, and you show them around. You entertain them at your finest, and you create a friendship.


They feel pampered, and remember your signature appetizer or dish, or appreciate your sense of style, and leave thinking they’d like to get together again.


work momsWith never-ending Google updates reality, Work Moms just need to do the same thing with your blog content.


Think of yourself as Nigella Lawson…natural, entertaining, informative, warm and fun…

So, what’s the deal with Google updates, and will they hurt us Work Moms?


I wasn’t sure how this was all going to hit exactly, but now I’m reading about other Bloggers seeing their GPR going to zero, and I got a comment from a friend that her GPR went to zero.


Some Work Moms out there are seeing that their GPR went from 3 to zero, but their Alexa ranking stayed the same.


work momsHere’s how that can happen…


You can have your own built-in network of traffic, especially for reviews and giveaways. We know that many Moms hop around from these types of blogs just to enter giveaways, and so the traffic is solely based on that activity.


This type of traffic will last for a while, until the companies and sponsors start to see that your site has no value for them, because you don’t get indexed or have any PageRank.  They want both when they offer a product, or for you to write a sponsored post.


For many Work Moms or Mom Bloggers, our entire blogging existence is about reviews and giveaways and working with sponsors, and Google has rules.


So, our Work Mom challenge is how to deal with the updates when it comes to sponsor relationships, because working with a sponsor can get you into trouble with Google in your public content.


work momsHere’s what we Work Moms know so far…


*Sponsor links in your public blog post content are link schemes, unless you disclose exactly what is going on with that link, and add the (rel=”nofollow”) after the link to not pass pagerank

*Sponsor links can be redirected to a private page to not be link schemes

*Sponsor’s won’t want to pay for a private page that public traffic needs to find

*PPC advertising with a “nofollow” tag such as Google Adsense is OK


Here’s what we Work Moms don’t know so far…


*Are the Mom sites getting hit mostly on Blogger and did not use the “nofollow” tag?

*Are sponsors also punished for link schemes?


work momsHere’s what we Work Moms know we can do on how to deal with it…


*Get to ASAP!

*Use private tools such as:


-Your newsletter or e-mail marketing that has ad space to sell to sponsors or feature them 

-Nofollow plugins for all outbound sponsor links or private pages for sponsor features


Here’s what will probably happen over the next year for Work Moms who blog..


It will take time to sink in.  The sites getting hit now with the updates will write about it, but they will have no PageRank to reach anyone.  The top Bloggers will write about the updates more and more, but probably not very specific to Work Moms or the Mom Blogger.


The companies will only notice that you have no GPR, and pass you by. They will continue the longest with the old habits, because the host site at this point in time is the one that gets punished.


For us, these rules are a headache to follow on our public content, and affects the presentation as well.  It just gets messy.


work momsYou can read it yourself on Google’s blog and I have other posts on our Moms Blog page.


Also, just think of the term “scheme”.  Pretty harsh, huh?  Google didn’t name it that accidentally.


OK Moms and Work Moms, sorry for the big bummer on this!  Be sure to take a look in particular at this update post for more learning– Sponsored Blog Posts Breakdown.


work momsOn a lighter note, you can get our free Kids Crafts PLR Pack & More for signing up for our e-mail monthly newsletter in our sidebar! There are a variety of gifts in addition on our Mom Gifts page, and we stay on top of these big issues, and keep you updated.


So the deal on changes and rules are annoying, but let’s get to more Work Mom solutions…


Try to segment how you think of your Work Mom blog traffic into public or private.


There is public traffic that comes from search engines, because you were indexed for a search word, or posted in a forum, social media, etc., and there is private traffic that comes from your email marketing or list of subscribers.


Public presentation is on your public blog, and subject to all rules at anytime, as well as all rules from the FTC. Don’t forget about social media rules either when functioning there too.


work momsAnd ALL means ALL of the time.


Private traffic means coming from your private e-mail, and sent to wherever you want, while avoiding the ever-changing changes that will never stop.  It’s just the easiest way to deal with constant rules.  Go private to email, and be ultimately free from everything altogether.


Guess which is harder to come by?


Of course your Work Mom private email readers.


But, guess which sets you free, becomes your best asset, and ultimately makes Work Moms the most money?


work momsYour private email.


These changes just gave your private email that much more power and status.


You still must maintain a public blog setting of course with awesome content, but if you choose that route for displaying sponsored links, affiliate links, etc., you will have to stay on top of everything.  Keep in mind that much of what comes from changes and rules are typically unknown until they hit.


We choose to keep it simple in our side bar advertising or sponsor page with “nofollow” tags, and to promote everything to our private email marketing or newsletters. Disclosures all over the place are annoying. There are no disclosure requirements in your email.


work momsA list of email subscribers has always been THE ultimate marker of status for Mom, Work Mom or anyone online. 


Building your Work Mom email subscribers now, is your chance to get ahead, as many never pay attention to any update, or are not paying attention to these new ones.  Having email readers is the ultimate solution on how to go private.  Do it, and have a strong and flexible future!!


I’ve gathered a variety of ways to function in a private setting and private email setting that I’ll list below, and keep in mind that this is for sites. First and foremost, you are going to need to be there or transfer from or Blogger.


work moms


Here’s your Work Mom How to Go Private List of tools, plug-ins and information to help you…


*A List of Email Subscribers–How to Build a List Comprehensive Guide with Bonus Tips & Feedburner to MailChimp How To:


This comprehensive ebook guide covers everything from why you need a list, what it is, how to set one up, and how to market it once you have it.  It’s more than 9800 words and 27 pages of Build a List Details, Instructional Photos and How To, Plus a Power Point Presentation.


It also includes a FREE bonus of Build a List Extra Tips, & 13 Step Feedburner to Mailchimp How to Guide…


work momsFREE BONUS Contents:


-What is The Point of a List?
-The Difference Between RSS, WP or Google Blog Post Subscribers & Newsletter Subscribers
-Why You Need a Landing Page
-How to Increase Leads & Opt Ins
-6 Ways to Engage Subscribers through Social Media Marketing
-How to Avoid Subscription Overload
-Grow Your List with Solo Ads
-Trading Lists or Ad Swapping
-More on Ad Swapping: Partnerships to Grow Your Lists
-You Don’t Have to Run the Rat Race
-Google Can’t Crawl Your List of Subscribers
-Traffic You Own
-Blog Post Ideas to Grow Your Lists


*Includes 13 Step Quick Guide to Export Your Feedburner Subscribers to Mailchimp


Betina and I sell this on our BLOGmoda My Blog Etsy Shop, and if you subscribe to our Mommy LaDy Club monthly newsletter, you can get it at 50% off even.

Subscribe to our mailing list

* indicates required

Email Format

work moms*”Ultimate NoFollow” Plugin:


This WP plugin gives you complete control over each individual link, so that you can just check the “nofollow” box when inserting your outbound link.


*”Robots Meta” Plugin:


Please note: If you are  using Platinum SEO, WordPress SEO or Thesis, this plugin is built in already. If you are using a non-premium WP Theme and/or All in One SEO, then you’ll need to add the “Robots Meta” plugin.


This will restrict indexing by search engines to not find or crawl your page or post.  You’ll get a prompt like this for each page or post:


work moms


You select the “noindex, follow” to keep your page or post private. The second “noindex, nofollow” includes the individual links on your page or post, so you might find this “Robots Meta” plug-in, or you built-in version covers it all for you.


*Previously indexed pages can’t be unindexed by this, until Google comes around again with their robot spiders.


work moms*Using Code:


There is code you can put into your HTML which will prevent robots from crawling your page. This code is put in the header of your web page, between the <head> and </head> tags in the form of a meta tag.


For this coding, “index” refers to getting indexed by search engines and “follow” refers to the links in your page or post.


So, you’ll want to use “noindex,nofollow” like this:


<title>New Page</title>

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow”>



*Robots can still come from other sites and crawl your page or post, so here is code and instructions from Google Webmaster, to completely prevent Google from indexing.  It doesn’t apply to all search engines.


I’ll refer you here to Google Developers for a more thorough list of coding as well as offering a complete list of Google’s crawlers.


I am no coding expert, but just did some searching and research to find this info for you Moms and Work Moms, and gather it here together.


work momsSo, enough to fry your brain now?  We personally will go with plugins, but ultimately will be using our email monthly newsletters and email marketing to function freely and away from all of this messy future.


What’s the deal for Work Moms and blog content? Blogging just got more challenging, yet opened new opportunity through email.


If you are a Work Mom and ever need personal business and blogging help for all of these continuous updates and rules, you can get my one-on-one attention as a Club-Content member too…





We Work Moms Got to Get it Right…Right?